Sortimentne tablice smrče (Picea abies Karst) u Kantonu 10 Federacije BiH


  • Ahmet Lojo Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Jusuf Musić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Besim Balić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Admir Avdagić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



Current tables of wood assortments for the most important tree species in B&H were made almost 50 years ago. There is an indication that real forest wood assortments are different than the one derived from assortment tables in-use, both in terms of quality and dimensions. In the meantime, from the creation of the existing tables until today, the standards of production of forest wood assortments have changed, so that the fact of inaccuracy of the existing assortment tables is unquestionable. This continually creates a variety of problems in the ongoing operations of forestry companies. The main aim of this paper is to create wood assortment tables whose assortment of wood products will correlate with the current market conditions. The research was conducted in the area of the Canton 10 in FB&H.  A sample of 393 spruce trees was used as a database to produce this paper. The bucking of the sample trees was carried out in accordance with the valid norms and customer requirements with regards to the dimensions of forest wood products. Data processing was performed using methods of simple and multiple regressions, variance analysis as well as their combinations by the Generalized Linear Models method. Independent factors were breast diameter (DBH), technical quality class and the height of the trees. The share of wood assortments was determined through 10 different mathematical models, and it was found that all independent variables had a statistically significant influence on the dependent variables- volume of particular assortments or group of assortments. The share of logs is growing rapidly with the increase of tree diameter and decreases with decreasing of their technical quality. The influence of tree height primarily correlated with tree volume increase. Trees having better assortment quality, have tree heights higher than average for the same diameter class. The results of the research are presented in the form of tables as percentage share of wood assortment classes.  The obtained results can be used as wood assortment tables in the research area.


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01. 12. 2020.

How to Cite

Lojo, A. ., Musić, J. ., Balić, B. ., & Avdagić, A. . (2020). Sortimentne tablice smrče (Picea abies Karst) u Kantonu 10 Federacije BiH. Radovi Šumarskog Fakulteta Univerziteta U Sarajevu, 50(2), 3–19.

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