Procjena historijskih vrijednosti Banjskog parka Ilidža u svrhu zaštite i očuvanja parkovske baštine
Spa park Ilidža has managed to preserve part of the originality of the spa and recreation center with striking features of the Austro-Hungarian and socialist social order. In our country, there was no significant research related to the valorization of park heritage. The conducted valorization included the evaluation of three segments: historical values, natural and ecological values, as well as potential dangers for their damage, which is based on extensive evaluation tables. Based on the analysis of the historical values of green areas, the park facilities within the Ilidža Spa park were valued with a total of 59 points. The obtained results determined that this green area belongs to the category of areas that are close to deterioration and with sufficiently preserved values (41-60 points), which means that it has recognizable elements and structure, as well as the entire composition, and as such is subject to the implementation of activities for its full revalorization.
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Zakon o proglašenju Spomenika prirode „Vrelo Bosne“, („Službene novine Kantona Sarajevo“, br. 16/06).
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