
  • Dalibor Ballian Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Nerma Zukić



common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), provenances, survival, root collar diameter, height


UDK 582.632.2:581.43/.44(497.6 Kakanj)

This paper presents the results of the research of the provenances of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in an experiment near Kakanj. Experiments of the provenances were established during the spring of 2007 with 2+0 and 3+0 years-old seedings. The plants were planted in the experimental design of randomized block system in three replications. The results of the survival of plants in 2007, 2008 and 2009, and the root collar diameter of plants and plant height in 2009 are presented in this paper.

Studies of the plants’ survival show that the highest percentage of survival rate had the provenance Tešanj – Crni Vrh I, while the lowest percentage of survival rate had provenance Bugojno Vranica - Bistrica. The analysis of the variance showed a statistically significant difference between the provenances, which was confirmed by the Duncan test. Romania provenance Alka - Iulia (10.14 mm) and the Swiss provenance Sihlwald (10.45 mm), had the smallest diameter of the root collar. Provenance from Croatia Dilj Čanglinski (19.43 mm) and provenance Varani kamen (18.46 mm) had the biggest diameter. The greatest average height had a provenance from Croatia Dilj Čanglinski (93.21 cm) and provenance Varani kamen (92.88 cm). The lowest level of height had provenance Alka Romania - Iulia (43.48 cm) and provenance Alesd (52.71 cm).


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01. 12. 2011.

How to Cite

Ballian, D. ., & Zukić, N. (2011). ANALYSIS OF THE GROWTH OF COMMON BEECH PROVENANCES (Fagus sylvatica L.) IN THE INTERNATIONAL EXPERIMENT NEAR KAKANJ. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 41(2), 75–91.

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