Spruce in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Picea abies, isoenzyme, populations, variabilityAbstract
UDK 582.475:577.151.64(497.6)
Spruce (Picea abies Karst.) represents one of the most significant species of forest trees in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in a number of central European countries, from both economic and ecological stand point. The objective of this study is to demonstrate basic molecular-genetic variability of spruce in Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to determine their mutual relationship and origin. For the analysis of isoenzyme genetic structures we used the following isoenzyme genetic markers: Aco- A, F-Est-B, Gdh-A, Got-A, Got-B, Got-C, Idh-A, Idh-B, Lap-B, Mdh-A, Mdh-B, Mdh-
C, Mnr–A, Mnr–C, Pgi-B, Pgm-A, Skdh-A, 6-Pgdh-A, 6-Pgdh-B, 6-Pgdh-C, 6-Pdh-A. From the obtained relative allele frequencies in the analyzed loci, it is verified that all of 20 analyzed gene loci were polymorphous, while an extremely high level of polymorphisms was registered in 15 loci. The population of Vlašić, by its genetic structure, shows that it is alochton, and that the reproduction material should not be used in any shape, until further detailed analyses have been carried out in this area. At the same time, spreading of unwanted gene-pool should be prevented with special management measures. More significant value of heterozygosis of the studied populations, as opposed to the population of west European spruce, shows that the studied populations did not loose much of their genetic adaptation potential as they are not situated far from their natural habitat. Future studies should be directed to other populations of spruce in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to determine the optimal number of units in the sample. Economic management activities should be constantly monitored to provide rejuvenation of spruce and direct these activities to maintenance of genetic diversity of the local populations. Also there should be carried out a sequence of trials with diverse provenance in order to further examine ecological and physiological characteristics of spruce.
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