The influence of oak mistletoe (Loranthus europaeus Jacq.) to stability of the sessile oak stands


  • Tarik Treštić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Mirza Dautbašić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Osman Mujezinović Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



Quercus petraea L, Loranthus europaeus Jacq, tree trunk decay, agents concatenation


UDK 630*44:582.632.2


The studies in this paper point at vulnerability of the sessile oak forests from the yellow mistletoe Loranthus europaeus Jacq. The study was carried out in the department 68 of the Forest Management area „Fojničko“, Management Unit „Zahor – Jasikovica“.

The study included a total of 108 trees, 79 or 73% out of which were tainted by mistletoe. The number of bushes, the dryness of the crest and the damages to the trunk were evidenced on the tainted trees. There were all together 300 bushes evidenced, or 3,8 per tree at average. The study verified the existence of positive correlation between the chest diameter (aged oak trees) and the number of the mistletoe bushes (the intensity of the infection of the plant). The position of the bushes on the tree was conditioned by light availability which is necessary for the development of mistletoe as a heliophyl species. Accordingly, it was observed that a side overlay of the tree crowns worsens the conditions for the development of mistletoe, which eventually has positive effects to the health condition of the tree.

Deterioration of the sessile oak health condition comes forward as a consequence of redirection of water and mineral substances towards the mistletoe bushes which grow on the tree crowns. Any additional presence of harmful agents increases the stress effect to the plant. Oak trees with the diminished vitality, that appears as a result of water and mineral substances deficit, are more susceptible to attacks from secondary abiotic and biotic agents (harmful insects, Armillaria and Ophiostoma fungi and similar). Their effects accelerate the process of atrophy of the tainted entities.


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01. 12. 2006.

How to Cite

Treštić, T. ., Dautbašić, M., & Mujezinović, O. . (2006). The influence of oak mistletoe (Loranthus europaeus Jacq.) to stability of the sessile oak stands. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 36(1), 87–93.

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