Provenance trials with douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco) at Blinje site near Kreševo
Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco), height, range, survival, volumeAbstract
The lUFRO program of investigation of Douglas fir {Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco) provenance started in the spring of 1972 at the trial site in the area of Kreševo, more precisely Blinje locality. The height, the range, the survival rate, the volume of the mid-range trunk and the total volume per hectare at the age of 32, were the subject of the investigation.
In regard to mid-ranges and heights there have not been a marked statistically significant difference between tested provenances.
The survival rate of the plants included into this trial showed no statistically significant difference, but among them the provenance 1100 Grand Ronde Agency (Oregon, USA) showed the best endurance/survival rate. In addition, within this trial the plants
were destroyed mostly due to low temperatures.
In regard to the volume of the mid-range trunk there was no statistically significant difference between the provenances. The greatest volume of the mid-range tnink was found with 1099 provenance (Vasko Pine Grove, Washington, USA) - that was anticipated - since this provenance has the greatest mid-range.
The greatest total average volume per hectare in the trial was achieved by 1036 provenance Alebemi (British Columbia, Canada) due to the high range of a number of survived plants and relatively high range of the volume of mid-range trunk. However, there has not been found a statistically significant difference among the provenances. According to the attained mid-range values at the trial site if compared with the data from the Schober tables it can said that all provenances exceeded the first, genuine ones.
A relatively high value of the variance in provenances leaves enough space for further selection of materials to produce either clone or seed orchards.
However, since the reliable conclusions on production possibilities of certain tree species in general and provenance in particular can be made only after one third of the rotation period, these results only show which provenance need to be introduced to certain previously designated sites.
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