Forests and forest lands in Bosnia-Herzegovina based on CORINE project


  • Sead Vojniković Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Jasmin Taletović Javno Preduzeće Geodetski zavod Bosne i Hercegovine



Bosnia and Herzegovina, CORINE project, satelite image, forest and forestland cover


CORINE programme is an Information system of the environment condition in the European Countries. This programme should be archive of collected data based on land and vegetation mapping with satellite technologies.

All programs were realised during 1998 and 1999 by the Geodesy Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina in collaboration with Faculty of Forestry Sarajevo, Institute for planning of Canton Sarajevo and Institute for planning of Canton Tuzla.

Satellite images in Gaus-Krüger projection (64 sheets), made by LANDSAT TM technology were used for this mapping. Methodology and nomenclature developed for CORINE program is unified for European countries.

The basic task of the paper is to compare current data about forests and forestlands with those obtained 30 years ago. Although methodology of data's collection used today and one used at the end of 1960's are different, data about forest areas are possible to be compared.

According to results from 1968 forests and forest lands occupied 2.650.000 ha (52% of total area of the country) but results from 1998 show that these areas are smaller: 2.017.403 ha (or 40% of total area of Bosnia-Herzegovina). Decreasing of areas of forests and forest lands is thought to be caused by: urbanisation, construction of communication, open mineral extraction sites, dump sites, enlarging agricultural areas, new artificial lakes, winter sport places, etc. Some inaccuracy in this work is possible due to imprecise geometry of images used, which is desirable for steep terrain. For better understanding situation in the forests and forestlands it is necessary a New Forest inventory on national level.                                      


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01. 12. 2002.

How to Cite

Vojniković, S., & Taletović, J. (2002). Forests and forest lands in Bosnia-Herzegovina based on CORINE project. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 32(1), 99–109.

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