
  • Besim Balić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Aida Ibrahimspahić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Ćemal Višnjić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Vahidin Hadžiabdić Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Sarajevo



even-aged forest plantations of Scots pine, volume of large wood of the stand, yield, multiple regression analysis, net correlation


UDK: 630*52:519.233.5]:582.475(497.6)

As the result of sporadic afforestation of not-grown forest land in the past, today in B&H we have significant areas of even-aged forest plants of Scots pine of different ages. Estimate of yield capabilities of habitats/sites of these stands is one of very real issues in even-aged management planning for this tree species. In order to get the clear idea on the value of yield of even-aged stands, it is necessary to conduct long-term researches on permanent experimental plots. Considering that for the results of those researches it is necessary to wait approximately for the duration of production periods for specific tree species, to gain orientation solutions of the problem we can apply short-term researches – using temporary experimental plots set in stands of different ages. Members of the Forest Management Department of Forestry Faculty in Sarajevo in a period from 1985 to 1990 gathered data on temporary experimental plots in existing even-aged forest plantations of spruce, Scots pine and black pine in order to research their growth, structural and production characteristics. Part of those data for Scots pine is used for making of this document. Objective of this research was, based on data on measurement of 77 experimental plots positioned in even-aged not-tended plantations of Scots pine Bosnia-wide, to reach relevant information on the value of wood volume depending on their age and site quality, and to create the most favourable regression model for assessment of volume of large wood value based on known values of the stand taxation elements that could be easily and quickly determined. Besides this, in this document by comparing gained results with appropriate data from other authors we have evaluated productivity of even-aged not-tended forest plantations of Scots pine in B&H.


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01. 06. 2019.

How to Cite

Balić, B., Ibrahimspahić, A., Višnjić, Ćemal, & Hadžiabdić, V. (2019). REGRESSION MODEL FOR ASSESSMENT OF VOLUME OF MERCHANTABLE WOOD OF EVEN-AGED NOT-TENDED FOREST PLANTATIONS OF SCOTS PINE ON CARBONATE SUBSTRATES IN B&H. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 49(1), 20–33.

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