fir, regeneration, structured, canopy density degree, mixture ratioAbstract
UDK: 630*23:582.475(234.422 Bjelašnica)
This document includes research in regeneration of fir in differently structured stands of beech and fir forests (with spruce) on mountain Bjelašnica near Sarajevo. Analysis of fir regeneration in differently structured stands was done by comparison of numbers of units of young fir, per growth category, and by total number of young fir at canopy density degree of 0.7 (0.60 – 0.79) and 0.9 (0.80 – 1.00), and by mixture ratio – share of fir (spruce) 0.7 (60 – 79 %) and 0.9 (80 – 100 %). Comparisons were done between virgin forest stands of beech and fir (with spruce) on ‘Ravnavala’, than, two-storied stand where we recorded transition of tree species (beech is dominant in upper growth, while fir is mainly dominant in young growth) on location ‘Medvjeđalokva’ and stands of typical uneven aged production forest of beech and fir (with spruce) in direct vicinity of virgin forest stand. Data gathering was done using total measurement method on permanent experimental plots of 1ha in virgin forest stand and two-storied stand on location ‘Medvjeđalokva’ and on circular plots in diameter of 12.62 m. Positions of circular experimental plots were determined by systematic sample in form of grid on intersections of Gauss-Krueger system, in intervals of 100 meters. Grid is laid in three transects of 27 plots each that is spread across forest compartments number: 111, 113, 114 and 115 of Management unit „Igman“, location ‘Ravnavala’. We have placed two experimental square plots of 1ha; one in virgin forest reservation ‘Ravnavala’ for preservation of assortment, status without human impact (compartment 106, MU „Igman“), and the other in management forest of this area “Medvjeđalokva” (compartment 117, MU „Igman”) for specific structure of assortment. Square 1ha plots were divided by grid of squares 10 x 10 m into 100 small plots.
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