
  • Samir Alikadić Forestry „Prenj“ d.d. Konjic
  • Mirza Dautbašić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Osman Mujezinović Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Kenan Zahirović Public Forestry Enterprise ZE-DO Canton Zavidovići d.o.o.



forest fires, municipality Konjic, 2009 – 2013 year


UDK: 630*43(497.6 Konjic)“2009/2013“

Forests as one of the largest renewable sources in nature, are extremely important for human survival. They cover about a quarter of the Earth's surface and are the lungs of all living beings. Rapid technological development has significantly improved the life of a man, but also made a great contribution to the destruction of the natural balance, and reducing biodiversity.

They represent a significant social wealth not only by producing precious and for its quality values in many ways irreplaceable wood material, edible and medicinal plants, but also because its existence is a very positive impact on the protection and improvement of the environment, regulation of climate and water regime, reducing damage from erosion, flood and spate, development of recreation, tourism, hunting and many other economic activities. Fires are one of the strongest and most dangerous agents that man were served in suppressing forest since ancient times, but unfortunately still used today. In many parts of world man suppresses forest and brush with fires, creating a short-term favorable conditions for its economy.

Research that are the subject of this paper is an analysis of the volume of forest fires in the period 2009-2013 year in the municipality of Konjic. The conducted analysis in this area in the period 2009-2013 year recorded 37 fires. Of that number, 20 fires were in the category of crown-fires and 17 ground-fires. The largest number of fires was 14 in 2011, with 310 hectares of fire-affected areas, while the lowest number was recorded in 2010, only three fires and burnt area amounted to 7 ha.


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01. 06. 2016.

How to Cite

Alikadić, S. ., Dautbašić, M. ., Mujezinović, O. ., & Zahirović, K. . (2016). ANALYSIS OF THE FOREST FIRES IN THE KONJIC MUNICIPALITY IN THE PERIOD OF 2009 - 2013 YEAR. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 46(1), 42–57.

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