Variability of some morphological characteristics of 16 provenience of the European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)


  • Ćemal Višnjić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



beech, provenances, height, breast diameter, branching


UDK 582.632.2:581.4(4)

The paper includes research on the 9-year-old plants, 16 provenances of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Experimental area was founded in 1991 with a two-year container seedling beech from Germany, Central and Southern Italy and one from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Romania. The paper studied the morphological characteristics of beech, as follows: height, breast diameter, branching and shape of the tree. In order to determine the geographic types of beech, the tested provenances were grouped in four areal groups.

  • Central European areal group includes provenances: Hasbruch, Lensahn, Freising and Scheslitz,
  • The Southeast European areal group includes provenances: Mrzla Hole, Vlasenica and Maramures,
  • Central Italian areal group includes provenances: Riffredo, Lagopesole, Capracotte and Masimo,
  • South Italian areal group includes provenances: Aspromonte, Ferdinandea, Fossiata, Cinquemiglia and Tortorici.


Based on the research, we can conclude the following:

In terms of increment, one cannot make final grades which would secure a better picture of the growth of provenances. The reason for that lies is the lack of age provenances of beech, and that in this age the provenance have different increment. In this study, the best growth in height and breast diameter were on the provenance from Southern Italy (Capracotte, Aspromonte and Riffredo) and Southeast Europe (Maramures and Vlasenica). The best branching with the smallest number of fork showed provenance Lensahn, Maramures, Scheslitz and Hasbruch, while the best form of the tree have all the provenances from Central Europe (Hasbruch, Lensahn, Freising and Scheslitz) and provenance Maramures from Southeast Europe.

Based on better shape and branching on beech provenances from Central European areal groups, they statistically differ from provenances from Southern Italy and Southeast Europe, from which it can be concluded that the provenances from Central Europe have better morphological characteristics in relation to relatives from Southern Europe.


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01. 12. 2010.

How to Cite

Višnjić, Ćemal. (2010). Variability of some morphological characteristics of 16 provenience of the European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 40(2), 55–70.

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