Genetic Structure of Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) from the Očevije Region


  • Dalibor Ballian Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.), population, genetic structure


UDK 582.475:577(497.6 Očevija)

By acknowledged biochemical markers we analyzed the genetic structure of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) from the Očevije region in the central Bosnia and Herzegovina.

For the analysis we used biochemical markers, from the 9 enzyme systems, with 16 gene loci, 7 of which were polymorphous, with 25 allele. The average number of the allele per locus was 1,6471. The genetic multilocus diversity was 28,42, and the gene pool diversity was 1,1682, while the real heterozygosis was 0,1992.

By the analysis of 16 isoenzyme gene loci, 7 out of which were polymorphous, we determined that the studied population of Očevije is autochthonous, but was under strong anthropogenic influence for centuries.

Greater heterozygosis value of the studied population, as opposed to populations of silver fir from other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, indicates that the studied population had lost one part of its genes, that is, it originated from the small number of trees after disappearance of beech, and that it is governed by different selection strains. Also, the population of Očevije, with its specific genetic structure, is most probably more resistant than the neighboring populations because it possesses sufficient specific genetic variability in the enzyme system 6-Pgdh.

However, we need to exercise caution in management of these populations and in their rejuvenation, with constant monitoring of the genetic structure, which would enable us to engage in measures for prevention of the intrusion of unwanted genes in a timely manner, for the purpose of the gene structure conservation, that is, to prevent shifting of the genetic structure in the desired direction during the reconstruction.

Therefore, within the management of these populations and their rejuvenation, the advantage is given to natural rejuvenation, with permanent monitoring of its genetic structure, in order to engage into timely measures for preservation of the genetic diversity that characterizes this population.


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01. 06. 2010.

How to Cite

Ballian, D. (2010). Genetic Structure of Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) from the Očevije Region. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 40(1), 25–36.

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