Presence of the rhizomorphs of Armillaria genus in the managed forest and the virgin forest of „Ravna Vala“ at the mountain complex Bjelašnica – Igman
rhizomorphs, Armillaria spp, forests of Common beech and Silver fir with Norway spruce, virgin forestAbstract
UDK 630*44:582.284 (234 Bjelašnica - Igman)
The reasearch work on the presence of rhizomorphs in the soil was performed in the virgin forest resort of “Ravna vala” and in the managed forests of the mountain resort Bjelašnica – Igman. The selection of the stands of economic character was made with the intention to provide a more balanced influence of ecological factors (altitude, exposition, inclination, type of soil and stem substrate) that are peculiar for virgin forest objects of this location.
With a view to determine the presence of the genus of Armillaria species we collected a total of 96 samples, 48 from the virgen forest, and 48 from the managed forest type. The presence of rhizomorphs was verified in both studied forest types. The rhizomorphs were most frequently represented in the surface layer of the soil. The greatest number of rhizomorphs was verified in the layer at 10 cm depth. In the parts of the studied areas, specific for their rocky, arenaceous and erroded soils, the rizomorfes appeared at greater depths, at times as deep as 18 cm. The presence of the dead organic substance affects the quantity of rhizomorphs in the soil. Greater quantities of these organs were determined in places at which there was a more significant presence of dead organic substance (drifts/slides, breakages or sliver after tree felling/cutting).
The resultas of the studies of Armillaria species in the forest eco-systems of the mountain resort Bjelašnica – Igman indicate variation in lengths and masses of their rhizomorphs. Despite major differences in quantities of rhizomorphs, which became apparnet at the places of sampling, the statistical analysis indicated that there is no statisticially significant difference in lengths of these organs in the managed forests and the virgen forest of the researched site. These results are perhaps conditioned by similatrities of the stand characteristics among the analyzed objects.
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