Wood assortment in thinning raw material of scots pine forest plantations (Pinus sylvestris L.)


  • Jusuf Musić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo




Scots pine, forest plantations, thinning, forest wood products, tables of assortments


UDK 630*8:582.475


In a broader sense, forest plantations represent every artificially established forest by way of seeding and/or planting. All forest experts agree that establishing and caring for forest plantations should be carried out with an increased intensity because the long-term aim of forest management has economic and environmental justification. This work therefore, deals with the practical aspect of this problem, and accordingly with verification of the exact assortment of the forest wood products in the increasingly thinning raw material of the Scots pine forest plantations.

The research was carried out at the territory of the “Unsko-sanske šume”, the timber management company at the forest plantation “Dubrave” near Cazin.

In this plantation we conducted the Schädelin's selective thinning in two phases.   In the first phase we selected «future trees», and in the second we marked the trees for removal from the plantation. For the removal we only marked those trees, which represented the strongest concurrence to the chosen «future trees», based on their place and growth in the plantation. In majority of the cases we only marked one tree for removal and rarely two. After cutting of the marked trees, we formed a sample of 140 trees by random choice for determining the percent of wood assortment ratio in the total mass in relation to diameter at the brest height (DBH) and technical quality class. The influence of the considered factors at the percentage ratio of the wood assortment was determined by regression analysis and we came up with appropriate tables.

The analysis shown that the surveyed elements have logical impact and that they are approximate to results of other authors. The results may be used as assortment tables with very good accuracy for description of similar stand and habitat conditions, and with acceptable accuracy for other stands and habitat conditions in plantations of Scotch pine for the surveyed span of the brest diameter between 15 and 35 cm.


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01. 12. 2005.

How to Cite

Musić, J. . (2005). Wood assortment in thinning raw material of scots pine forest plantations (Pinus sylvestris L.). Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 35(1), 67–75. https://doi.org/10.54652/rsf.2005.v35.i1.198

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