Morphological analysis of tractors for wood skidding
adapted agricultural tractor, skidder, morphological analysis, form index, geometrical values (length, width, height), tractor mass, tractor engine power, imaginary pressure upon soil, real pressure upon soilAbstract
Morphological analysis should serve foresters in choosing new tractor types for wood skidding. It is method of studying the machine that are used in logging operations. Adapted agricultural tractors (20 tractors) and special forest tractor-skidders (11 tractors) have been compared in this analysis. Their position in the tractor family has been determined by earlier morphological analysis (Sever, 1980), based on the correlation dependence between the individual morphological features (length, width, height, mass, engine power, unit mass, imaginary pressure upon soil, real pressure upon soil). The research on the dependence between the selected morphological features has determined, that the most of adapted agricultural tractors and skidders belong to their families (and earlier trend). We determined that the maximum tractor dimensions stop increasing even though the engine power may continue to rise. Only one skidder has a real pressure upon soil over the allowed load limit of the tractor (100 kPa), and most adapted agricultural tractors are near, or over this load limit.
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