The Application of Forest Stewardship Council Principles as External Standards of Forest Certification in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This paper deals with possibilities of applying of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
principles, as external standards of forest certification in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
According to the forestry employees' opinion, it was concluded that FSC program rep-
resents an acceptable framework for forest certification implementation, as well as
development of internal standards. Fulfilment assessment of FSC principles shows
that this program is very demanding for forestry management performances assess-
ment in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
According to the differences between estimated importance and fulfilment of FSC
principles, it is possible to define directions of corrective actions as a means for con-
tinual improvement of FSC principles content. In sense of corrective actions, the pri-
ority is given to encourage the efficient use of the forests' multiple products and ser-
vices, long-term tenure and use rights to the forest resources and conserve biological
diversity and its associated values.
In order to select suitable certification program, and implementation of adequate exter-
nal standards, it is necessary to analyse demands and attitudes of other relevant stake-
holders, first of all: wood-processing industry, government institution and ecological
non-government organisations. Only comparative analyse of all mentioned stakehold-
ers' demands will achieve possible right answers, related to launching and implemen-
tation of forest certification in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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