stoat, observation, habitatAbstract
UDK: 599.742.4(497.6)
The Stoat occupies a wide range of habitats. It is often found in successional or forest-edge habitats, in the scrub, alpine meadows, marshes, riparian woodlands, hedgerows, and riverbanks that have high densities of small mammals, especially Microtus and Arvicola voles (KİNG, 1983). PULLİAİNEN, (1999) stated that coniferous and mixed woodlands are preferred, but that many other habitats are used including tundra and the summits of fells and mountains. Dense forests and deserts are avoided (KİNG, 1983). Although mentioned in all to-day's Laws on Hunting (1893 – 2014) in Bosnia-Herzegovina, there are not so many records of this species or official reports in hunting bag. Considering its geographic range (IUCN 2020), in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the stoat is recorded only in the western and northern parts of the country. İn this paper, we presented new localities where the stoat was observed in Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as types of habitats where it was recorded.
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