
  • Saša Kunovac Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Mustafa Bašić Cantonal Forestry Office, Travnik, Central Bosnia Canton
  • Kemal Starogorčić Ministry of Economy, Forestry department, Canton Sarajevo
  • Edin Šatrović Veterinary faculty University of Sarajevo



game, damage, legislation


UDK: 639.11:630*45(Kanton Sarajevo)

           639.11:630*45(Srednjobosanski kanton)

Human – wildlife conflicts have a long history. Due to continuous growth of the human population, demands for an increase of arable land, raw materials production and living space, man and game were and are direct competitors for space and resources worldwide. Conflicts between humans and game can occur for many reasons, but one of the main causes are certainly damage by game occurs at crops, orchards, livestock, beehives and other forms of human assets. According to  previous researches in Europe, most damage is caused by wild ungulates, esspecially wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) and red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) (GORYNSKA, 1981; CSANYİ and LEHOCZKİ 2010; COZZİ et al 2015). Damages can reach significant values, in France more than 8 million €  in 2004/2005 (MAİLLARD et al 2010); 12 million €  in 2010 in Poland (FRACKOWİAK et al 2013), and 8-10 million € per year in Hungary in the last decade (CSANYİ et al 2014). In Croatia, during four years, average annual payment amount was 559,977.49 € (NOVOSEL et al 2012).

 In this paper, we determined causes, collected and analyzed data on the reported claims of game damages from two cantons in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period of five years. All damages are sorted by category, cause and by year. We also discussed the legal obligations in terms of damage prevention, notification, claim and assessment of damage, as well as the economic effects of damage in Canton Sarajevo and Central Bosnia Canton.


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01. 12. 2017.

How to Cite

Kunovac, S., Bašić, M. ., Starogorčić, K. ., & Šatrović, E. . (2017). GAME DAMAGES IN CANTON SARAJEVO AND CENTRAL BOSNIA CANTON. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 47(2), 1–18.

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