
  • Sead Vojniković Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



Illyrian Provinces, Beech forests, Karawanke, Carinthia, Austria


UDK: 581.55:582.632.2(436)

The position of the Illyrian vegetation provinces in the Western Balkans was established a long time ago (e.g.: BECK 1901, ADAMOVIĆ 1907…) Illyrian space is linked to: Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia. Karawanke – An alpine mountain represents the border between Austria and Slovenia but also represents a border area of ​​the Illyrian provinces. Determining phytogeographical affiliation forest communities of beech becomes very important from the aspect of protection under Natura 2000. According to the requirements Nautra 2000 Illyrian beech forests (91K0 - alliance: Aremonio - Fagion), are summaries of interest for protection in Austria. Therefore, it is important to determine vegetational - floristic characteristics of beech forests on Karawankas, from which one could conclude their phytogeographical affiliation. The research in beech forest, (forestry office Hollenburg) have showed the following beech community Anemone trifoliae - Fagetum laricetosum TREGUBOV 1957 (syn.: Larici - Fagetum ROBIČ 1971 /n.nudum./ and syn .: Fagetum subalpinum var. geogr. Larix decidua MARINČEK, POLDINI, ZUPANČIČ 1986); Anemone trifoliae - Fagetum typicum TREGUBOV 1957 var. Carex alba MARINČEK, POLDINI, ZUPANČIČ 1986; Salvio Glutinosae - Fagetum ZUKRIGl, 1988. Based on floristic characteristics, their structure, syndinamics, it can be concluded that the first two beech communities cannot be classified as the Illyrian beech forests, while community Salvio glutinosae - Fagetum shows similarity with the Illyrian beech forests fresh Aremonio - Fagion (Natura 2000 at 91K0).


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01. 12. 2015.

How to Cite

Vojniković, S. . (2015). DETERMINING THE ILLYRIAN ORIGIN FOREST COMMUNITIES OF BEECH FORESTS KARAWANKE - CARINTHIAN ALPS (AUSTRIA). Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 45(2), 1–24.

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