
  • Azra Tahirović Šumarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu
  • Amira Čopra-Janićijević Faculty of Sciences University of Sarajevo
  • Kurt Kalcher Institute for Chemistry, Karl-Franzens University, Universitaetsplatz 1, A-8010 Graz, Austria



Ključne riječi:

hydride generation, selective reduction, sequential extraction, forest soils


UDK 631.4:546.19

A simple and inexpensive method for the determination of inorganic As(III) and As(V) at low ppb levels was developed. The method is based on formation of hydride from a sample solution and its reaction with mercury bromide on a solid support. Formation of a yellow-brownish product was optically detected.

Amidosulfonic acid was used as a reaction medium for determination of total inorganic arsenic, while citrate buffer (0.1 mol/dm3, pH=5.5) was used as a reaction media for determination of As(III) alone. As(V) was calculated as a difference of total inorganic arsenic and As(III).

This method has been applied to soil extracts. Extraction of inorganic arsenic from soil samples was done in three-step sequential extraction with the following extractants: NH4H2PO4 (0.05 mol/dm3); NH4-oxalate buffer (0.2 mol/dm3, pH=3.25); and mixture of NH4-oxalate buffer (0.2 mol/dm3) and ascorbic acid (0.1 mol/dm3) at pH=3.25. The method was suitable for determination of inorganic arsenic species in soil extracts covering concentration range of the analyte between 0.2 - 20 ppb.


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01. 06. 2011.

How to Cite

Tahirović, A., Čopra-Janićijević, A. ., & Kalcher, K. . (2011). ODREĐIVANJE SPECIJA ANORGANSKOG ARSENA U EKSTRAKTIMA ZEMLJIŠTA JEDNOSTAVNOM SPEKTROFOTOMETRIJSKOM METODOM. Radovi Šumarskog Fakulteta Univerziteta U Sarajevu, 41(1), 39–58. https://doi.org/10.54652/rsf.2011.v41.i1.139

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