Vegetation characteristics and diversity of coppice beech forests in the Canton of Sarajevo


  • Sead Vojniković Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Ćemal Višnjić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Besim Balić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Faruk Mekić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



beech coppice, vegetation characteristics, diversity, Canton of Sarajevo, B&H


UDK 630*222:582.632.2(497.6 Sarajevo)

         581.92:582.632.2(497.6 Sarajevo)

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the largest areas of all coppice forest have coppice beech forests, and their size is about 17% of all forests and forest lands. Floristic - vegetation characteristics and low diversity of beech forests is little explored. For this paper we analyzed the vegetation characteristics and diversity coppice beech forests in the Canton of Sarajevo. For the purposes of this analysis placed the 58 experimental surfaces at neutral and acid soils – distric cambisol. On this plots we collected floristic and ecologic data’s e.g.: type of soils, altitude, slope, canopy cover, cover of ground flora... Our research shows that differences in diversity index and evenness, is very small and not statistically significant between the coppice beech forests in distric cambisol and coppice beech forests in the soil, which are marked as neutral. Not the existence of differences in ground flora biodiversity can be explained by similar development of coppice beech forests in the investigated soils. Namely, after the "clear cutting" shoots from the stump accession intensively and quickly assembled and thus prevented the development of any other vegetation, and is particularly difficult the development of forest ground flora. Further development of coppice beech forest begins to occur and the ground flora, but significantly changed compared to primary forests as well as different quantitative traits. Only when we fully achieve the structural similarity of: canopy, height, diameters ... as well as in the original forests of beech, or when it updates the original stand conditions can be expected to restore the characteristic ground flora of appropriate habitat. The appearance of similarity ground flora between the tested groups, or not the existence of the separation characteristic and differential species , show us that coppice forests should not be classified syntaxonomic hierarchical system, at least as structurally and physiognomic become such a high beech forest.


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How to Cite

Vojniković, S., Višnjić, Ćemal, Balić, B., & Mekić, F. (2009). Vegetation characteristics and diversity of coppice beech forests in the Canton of Sarajevo. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 39(2), 1–14.

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