Morphological analysis of some assimilation characteristics of the silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) in the experiment “Delimusa”
silver fir (Abies alba Mill.), variability, needlesAbstract
UDK 582.475:57.081(497.6 Olovo)
582.475:581.4(497.6 Olovo)
On the "Delimusa" section 86, economic units "Krivaja" the SPP "Olovsko", was built experimental plane regular fir with nine provenience. We analyzed the number of needles per cm by provenience, the length and width of needles by provenience and the participation of needles according to age. The results of the number of needles per cm and the length and breadth of needles showed the existence of statistically significant difference.
The largest number of needles per cm had the provenience Konjic (16.48 pieces), and the smallest number of provenience Fojnica (14.52 pieces), while the longest needles had provenience Fojnica (19.15 mm), and the shortest provenience Prozor (17, 31 mm), to needle-width results showed that the broadest needles had provenience Pale (1.99 mm), while the needles had close provenience Sokolac (1.89 mm). For all the properties we get statistically significant differences.
The largest percentage of participation oldest needles (5, 6, 7 and 8 years old) had a provenience Fojnica and Bosanski Petrovac, while the minimum participation of the oldest needles provenience had Bugojno and Pale. In contrast, the minimum percentage of participation will be on needles (1, 2, and 3 years old), have a provenience Bosanski Petrovac and Fojnica, while the largest participation will be on needles have the provenance of Bugojno, Pale and Sokolac. A foundation can be said that there are differences among populations from different ecological niche, or to differences in the ecology of the habitat influence on the morphologic differentiation measured parameters among populations.
How all the properties show statistically significant difference, that could serve in the affairs estimates among the population variability in the new research.
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