Second State Forest Inventory in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Comparison of the Results of the First and the Second Inventory for the Forest Territory 1


  • Ahmet Lojo Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Besim Balić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Muhamed Bajrić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Alojz Dunđer Jedinica za izvođenje projekata u šumarstvu F BiH - Project Implementation Unit F BiH
  • Milan Hočevar International SFI-BiH consultant, Ljubljana



National forest inventory, inventory design, permanent plots, forest area, growing stock, volume increment, Bosnia and Herzegovina


UDK 630*52(497.6)

The objective of this paper was to compare the results from the two State Forest Inventories (SFI) in Bosnia and Herzegovina in one forest district (see the abstract), analyze the accuracy of the data from the second SFI and analyze the changes in the status of the forests over the 40-year period between the two State Forest Inventories. The data about three main elements in the forest district “Unska” were presented in this paper.

The data from tables 3, 4 and 7, present differences for the total area and the state- owned forest area in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, assessed through tree independent methods in 2006, showing small and insignificant differences, so we can conclude that this considerable problem was solved in a proper manner.

The data from tables 4 and 5 present differences in the forest areas for the main forest categories. The differences in these figures are significant. We can certainly say that major changes occurred over the 40-year period in the entire forest area in the structure of the main forest categories. The area of the most valuable high forests was increased for 30%, or more than 40 000 ha. Unfortunately, we have about 40 000 ha of the forests under mines. What was the reason for these major changes in the forest areas during the 40-year period? The area of the most valuable state-owned forests was increased because of reforestration of bare forest areas and conversion of the low to high forests. The comparative tables 2 and 3, show an increase of high forest areas and the decrease of low forest areas and bare areas on the state-owned land. The figures from table 6 also indicate these differences.

The migration of the people from villages to cities is also one of important factors. Forest was also spreading on agricultural land, mostly on pastures. That is the same trend as in the west European countries.

In the comparative tables 8 and 9, 10 and 11, 12 and 13, from the first and the second SFI, we can see an increase in growing stock in all forest categories, per ha, and in total. The changes in the growing stock structure are also presented on graphs 1– (a-f).

The growing stock in total of all productive (economical) forest increased for 90 %, or more than 26,5 million m3, and more than 100 m3/ha (in market wood).

Rationale: the State of the growing stock in high forests, 40 years ago was, obviously very low during the four management periods (average), planned and realized cutting volume was always lower than the increment volume. Furthermore, in the coppice forests there was no cutting at all, so their volume was growing almost for the amount of the 40-year increment volume. These figures are also presented on the graph 3.

Logically, the volume increment followed the changes in the growing stock structure and increased from 4 to 6 m3/ha (market wood), for all productive forests (table 18 and 19) and the total volume increment, including spreading of the forest areas, which was increased from 1,0 million to 1,7 million m3. This is an outstanding forestry achievement.


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01. 06. 2008.

How to Cite

Lojo, A., Balić, B., Bajrić, M. ., Dunđer, A., & Hočevar, M. (2008). Second State Forest Inventory in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Comparison of the Results of the First and the Second Inventory for the Forest Territory 1. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 38(1), 1–34.

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