Establishing of height curves for quality site conditions classification of beech coppice forests in the Sarajevo Canton
beech coppice forest, tree height curves, Chapman-Richard’s functionAbstract
UDK 630*54:582.632.2(497.6 Sarajevo)
Relative tree-height bonity classes for coppice beech forests in the Sarajevo Canton were established in this work. As the best equation model, Chapman-Richard’s function was chosen, after the testing of different models (formulas 1-6). Its mathematical model with parameters for medium tree heights (HIII) is:
H = 1,3 + 25,4733 × (|1 - e -0,0353×D1,3 |⎞0,9326
III ⎝ ⎠ ;
Also, the mathematical model with parameters for upper (G.G.) and lower (D.G.) limits of tree heights variation is:
G.G. = H
D.G. = H
= 1,3 + 33,8381 × (1 - e-0,0397×D1,3 )0,7878
= 1,3 + 15,7523 × (1 - e-0,0446×D1, 3 )1,8865
5,5 .
Relative tree- height bonity classes, for the mentioned forest area, were established with the simple splitting of total tree height variation belt to 5 equal parts (sub belts).
Mathematical formulas, established in this work, could be used as algorithms in the development of some software applications for automatic data processing, collected during ordinary forest inventories for forest management plans development.
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