Marking opened and unopened forest areas


  • Dževada Sokolović Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



accessibility, forest road network, mean skidding distance, GIS


UDK 630*38:007.51

The analysis of accessed and uncased forest areas has been done by the method of creating buffers.

The buffers have been created around the existing forest roads network for the calculated real mean skidding distance of 614,22 meters. The calculation of the relative accessibility OR= 82,61 %, and efficiency coefficient KE= 14,87% have been done.

In this paper the buffers have been calculated for the chosen mean skidding distance of 320, 364, 400 and 614 meters, because the ultimate objective of the forest roads construction is shortening of the mean skidding distance.

The method of creating buffers, the relative accessibility efficiency is an adequate method for analysis of the existing forest roads network, extraction of accessed and uncased forest area and their further accessing.


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01. 12. 2005.

How to Cite

Sokolović, D. . (2005). Marking opened and unopened forest areas. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 35(1), 91–102.

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