Usage of the new techniques for the planting by afforestation of the extreme area


  • Ćemal Višnjić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Faruk Mekić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Besim Balić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



UDK 630*233

Experimental test of possibilities used of mycorrhiza and synthetic hydro gel (Stockosorb) for increasing the resistance of seedlings bay planting an extreme site without water in summertime, was the aim of this work. Mycorrhizal fungi of Paxillus sp. strain were used for increasing active absorbing surface and efficiency of nutrient and water uptake. and synthetic hydrogel „Stockosorb“ was used for increasing the water-holding capacity of the ground in the plant root zone.

Spruce seedling are taken from natural habitat in spring 2003. Seedlings started to vegetate as it could be determined from shoot leaves bursts. Fungus inoculums (Paxills involutus) have been grown in laboratories of Botanic Institute at Forestry faculty in Goettingen. Seedlings were planted in 2 litre containers. Soil for plants have been treated variously: treatment with

0,5% hydro gel ; treatment with mycorrhizal fungi; treatment mycorrhizal fungi and 0,5% hydro gel as well as control sample variant.

During period of vegetation seedlings were placed inside glass greenhouse with proper watering. Vitality of seedlings has been determined at the end of vegetation period based upon quality indicators for seedlings.

Best vitality of spruce seedlings has been determined in variant with hydro gel and mycorrhizae (MS). This variant has average vitality of 3.43, indicating that all tested seedlings have considerably expressed vitality and that this variant statistically differs from all others with better vitality. Variants with mycorrhizae (MK) and variant with hydro gel (ST) indicate better quality than control samples and statistically differs from control sample variant.


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01. 12. 2004.

How to Cite

Višnjić, Ćemal, Mekić, F. ., & Balić, B. (2004). Usage of the new techniques for the planting by afforestation of the extreme area. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 34(1), 57–65.

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