Planning of management of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa L.) in Central Bosnia


  • Saša Kunovac Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Izet Hadžić Lovačko društvo “Semešnica”, Donji Vakuf
  • Ramiz Ćutuk Veterinarski fakultet Univerziteta u Sarajevu



Population, Wild Boar, Sus scrofa, harvesting, management, planning, habitat


UDK 639.111.1(497.6)

As a research area we chose Hunting ground in Donji Vakuf municipality in Central Bosnia. According to habitat quality and topographical characteristics, we divided research area in three regions: First, with surface of total 11.125 ha and 56% covered with forest, was assessed as «very good», Second, with total of 15.845 ha and forested with 52,4%, has «good», and third with 7.230 ha and only 34,3% covered with forests has been described as «sufficient».

Recent status of wild boar population, numbers, sex, age and social structure are reflecting to extensive management. Average density of animals in spring (before reproduction) is very small and vary between 1,4 do 3,0 animals per 10 square kilometers. Highest density has micro population in third region, in opposite to sufficient habitat quality. This discrepancy can be explained with high ratio of agriculture land (crops almost 50%) in third region and it influence as food source. However, number and density of wild boars in research area are far below limit for sustainable management.

Sex and age ratio were determined by sample from total animals bagged, which, considering way of hunting (no selection at all) should give real impression for whole population. Higher ratio of females in total sample - 56,62:43,37% - could mean that population is in slight expansion. In opposite to sex ratio in age categories. Sex ratio in juvenile categories is more or less normal, but in adults, it is 3:1 for females!

Age structure is very inconvenient according to total sample, and its direct consequence of non-selective hunting. Culling is less than normal in juvenile categories and far higher in adult categories. In this case we have population with deficit of juvenile animal which can reflect to future reproduction and yield. Social structure, determined during research period isn't typical for wild boar populations, caused by low density, migrations and enormous hunting pressure during long period, which determinate any management measures (inventory, selection, etc.) as a very hard task.

Real yield of population in research area was determined by number of reproductive females and yield coefficient (4 piglets per one sow), which is 75-80% of spring numbers before reproduction.

Planned harvesting (43% from population in autumn) is far higher (for 20, 5%), according to yearly bags. According to our assessment, real harvesting is higher for another 20%, than legal, which have negative consequences at population dynamics. Highest influence of hunting pressure was in season 2002/2003. When bag exceeded harvesting possibility for 42, 7% which reduced numbers of wild boars in spring for more than one third (33, 0%).

We registered no significant damage of wild boars to forest stands in research area. Damages to agricultural crops are very significant, especially in parts of area with small parcels and heterogeneous crops. Total amount of these damages for whole period (5 years) is, 5.321,60 KM, which is not much, but considering life standard of local people, it's very significant.


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01. 12. 2004.

How to Cite

Kunovac, S. ., Hadžić, I., & Ćutuk, R. (2004). Planning of management of Wild Boar (Sus scrofa L.) in Central Bosnia. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 34(1), 67–81.

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