The impact of spatial allocation of forest roads on mean skidding distance


  • Dževada Sokolović Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



forest roads, mean skidding distance, central point method, economically justified building costs


UDK 630*38

For the analysis of the forest area accessibility it is necessary to clarify and analyze the term and the volume of the mean skidding distance. Besides the data on total length of forest roads network, mean skidding distance is the distance of different quantities of wood assortment scattered throughout the forest from the particular warehouse.

Calculating mean skidding distance by the computer aid - central point method, is the very fact and accurate way of calculating. Due to the fact that construction of forest roads is very money – consuming with return of investment mainly through lower skidding costs because of decreasing mean skidding distance, it is necessary to choose spatial location of forest roads which maximally influences decreasing mean skidding distance.

In this paper it is represented how it is possible to significantly decrease mean skidding distance with the same length of the forest roads network constructed thanking to proper spatial allocation. Due to this fact the theoretical model of forest roads network has shorter mean skidding distance by 160 meters than existing forest roads network for the nearly same length of forest roads network.


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01. 12. 2004.

How to Cite

Sokolović, D. . (2004). The impact of spatial allocation of forest roads on mean skidding distance. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 34(1), 113–122.

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