
  • Safet Gurda Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Dževada Sokolović Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Jelena Knežević Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Seid Hajdarević Faculty of Mechanical engineering University of Sarajevo
  • Jasmin Avdibegović



red heart, beech, site quality, wood defects, tree, taxation elements


UDK: 630*81:674.031.632.2(497.6 Kladanj)

           582.632.2:674.038.17(497.6 Kladanj)

There are many factors that affect appearance and spreading of the red heart in beech stands. Therefore, this research presents an analysis of site quality class and taxation elements (diameter at the breast height, height of the tree and age of the tree) influence on the participation and distribution of the red heart in the forest compartments 107. M.U. „Gosteljaˮ - (II- quality class) and 47. M.U. „Srednja Drinjačaˮ - (III- quality class). The appearance of the red heart on the beech trees considering on the site quality class was researched, as well as the red heart appearance frequency in dependence on the tree diameter at the breast height and age of the tree, size and distribution of the red heart in the longitudinal and transverse direction. The results of research showed that the number of trees with the red heart and the length of the technical roundwood with the red heart increase with increase of diameter at the breast height (age of the tree). As well, it was established that the appearance frequency of the trees with red heart considering the diameter at the breast height (the age of the tree) was larger on the stands belonging low quality site classes. The site quality class affects the distribution of the red heart at the thicker beech trees in the longitudinal direction, while at the thinner and trees of medium diameter, the influence of site quality class on the distribution of the red heart is not expressed in great extent. Larger diameters of the red heart in average have beech trees on the low quality site classes.


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01. 06. 2017.

How to Cite

Gurda, S. ., Sokolović , D. ., Knežević, J., Hajdarević, S. ., & Avdibegović, J. . (2017). IMPACT OF SITE QUALITY AND SOME TAXATION ELEMENTS ON BEECH RED HEART FORMATION IN FOREST COMPARTMENTS 107. M.U. „GOSTELJA“ AND 47. M.U. „SREDNJA DRINJAČA“. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 47(1), 60–76.

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