
  • Nermin Demirović Public Enterprise “Sarajevošume”, Sarajevo
  • Mirza Dautbašić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Kenan Zahirović PE "Šumsko-privredno društvo Zeničko-dobojskog kantona" d.o.o.
  • Osman Mujezinović Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



spruce, Pityogenes chalcographus (L.), control of the bark beetles, trap trees


UDK: 595.768.1:582.475(234.422 Zvijezda)

Bark beetles are the most important pests of the coniferous forests. Although they are considered to be a secondary pest, they are becoming the primary pests that attack healthy trees. One of the important spruce bark beetle is the Pityogenes chalcographus (L.) - a small spruce beetle. The research was conducted in the municipality of Vareš, on three locations: Ponikva, Pobrin Han, Doli. The active period of the bark beetle for development began in the last decade of April. P. chalcographus in the field of research had two generations. For the development of generations it took between 12 and 13 weeks. Weather conditions in the object of research did not allow the completion of the second generation. The activity of the bark beetle ends in mid-September. When we talk about the characteristics of wood material which prefers small bark beetle of spruce, we can say that he prefers to inhabit thinner parts of trunk with thin and smooth rind. In the object of research for monitoring of population of bark beetle P. chalcographus was used trap trees. As a measure to combat the small spruce bark beetles are strongly advised in due time, autumn and winter, remove the dried trees and trees with drilled bark beetles. Maintenance and establishment of forest order to reduce the amount of wood material suitable for the settlement of bark beetles.


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01. 12. 2016.

How to Cite

Demirović, N. ., Dautbašić, M. ., Zahirović, K. ., & Mujezinović, O. . (2016). USING TRAP TREES FOR MONITORING AND CONTROL OF BARK BEETLE PITYOGENES CHALCOGRAPHUS (L.) ON MOUNTAIN ZVIJEZDA . Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 46(2), 37–53.

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