damages, maintenance, influential factors, forest truck roadsAbstract
UDK: 630*38:625.711.84(497.6 Sarajevo)
The time period of forests opening and construction of forest truck roads in the analyzed area is longer than half of century. In such long time interval different types of vehicles for transport of timber assortments have been applied. Due to this fact technical elements of constructed roads are different. The vehicles currently used for the transport of timber assortments cause an accelerated destruction of forest truck roads due to inappropriate carriage way quality. Besides traffic load the forest truck roads are exposed to permanent atmospheric influences. The above specified and other reasons condition obligatory and regular maintenance and reconstruction of forest truck roads depends on the current condition of forest truck roads as well as on the plans for further use.
In this article the condition of forest truck roads in the Forest management regions of Sarajevo Canton has been determined. The most frequent types of damages and causes of their occurrence have been registered. The methods for maintenance and rehabilitation-reconstruction of forest truck roads have been selected and their costs have been calculated. In the time when construction of new kilometers of forest truck roads is more and more rare, timely, adequate and financially justified maintenance of the existing network of forest truck roads is one of the key question for their undisturbed use. On the basis of results obtained in this research the guidelines for the time period and the ways of maintenance of forest truck roads have been given. The application of these guidelines should help in achieving of the best and most economical total results through the long-term use of forest truck roads.
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