UDK: 574.587(282.249 Drinjača)”2012”
More and more intensive unplanned use of water resources in Europe and beyond, have turned the efforts for stopping exploitation and reduction of available freshwater ecosystems. According to the provisions of the Water Framework Directive (WFD), biotic parameters, especially the benthos organisms (zoological component) gives the greatest significance in the appropriate way of identifying the ecological status and typology. This paper presents the application of different biotic indices in assessing the ecological status of the river Drinjača. The analysis reveals a high diversity in the composition of phytobenthos and macrozoobenthos with domination of preimaginal stage of aquatic insects. Acoording to the indices applied, water of the river Drinjača at locations upstream and downstream of the confluence of Jadar is oligo to betamesosaprobic. A high ecological status has been determined by applying biotic indices on the macrozoobenthos composition ehich takes this part of the stream as referent to all other waterstreams of the same type on the territory of Bosnia and Herzeogovina.
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