chainsaw, fuel consumption, lubricant consumptionAbstract
UDK 630*31/*32:621.936.6(497.6 Vareš)
621.936.6:621.892(497.6 Vareš)
Chainsaw is the main tool for work, considering the terrain and soil in our country, in the process of the harvesting, and there is a big chance it will be the main tool in the future too. The goal of the research is to determine fuel and lubricant consumption of the chainsaw Husqvarna 372 XP, during the harvesting and making forest wood assortments, on the area of the Public enterprise forest, Vareš, section 37.
During the research, 50 trees of the fir and spruce have been felled. Range of the diameter was from 8 to 76 cm, and the volume of the assortments was 86.16 m3. Volumetric method is applied in the measurement of fuel and lubricants, with precise determination of how much fuel it was in the thanks.
Analysis showed that there is a strong correlation between consumption of the fuel and lubricant (L/m3) in relation to the size of the breast height diameter.
Average fuel consumption in the process of logging and preparation was 0.104 L/m3, while the average consumption of lubricant was 0.023 L/m3.
It is necessary to continue to pay great attention to the rationalization of consumption on fuel and lubricants, as well as reducing their harmful effects on humans and environment (introduction and usage of biodegradable fuels and lubricants).
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