Modern carriageway construction on forest truck roads
forest roads, traffic load, capacity carriageway construction, the costs of construction carriageway.Abstract
UDK 630*38:625.711.84
Building modern carriageway on forest roads in BiH is very topical question, because the current state of roads does not meet the needs of forestry as an economic sector. The appearance of the vehicle with the increasing traffic load on the forest roads in BiH as well as the need to include as quicker deliveries of wood to the place of processing, imposed the need for analysis of new application opportunities contemporary carriageway that will answer the aforementioned requirements. The paper is in two selected forest truck times executed comparison of economic and technical elements for two different types of structures carriageway: macadam and asphalt. On the basis of the analysis that was done in two forest truck times, "Babanovac - Department 97" length of 7531 kilometers, and time "Busovaca - Luke" the length of 6220 km can be concluded that the cost of construction of the above machine with asphalt curtain around for about 35% higher than the cost of construction times with macadam carriageway. Comparative analysis of capacity carriageway structures with macadam and asphalt curtain can be concluded that the most important characteristics of macadam carriageway curtain in a time interval of about one year during the duration of testing, they came under the minimum limits of that application for such carriageway hangings. On the other hand, tests conducted on asphalt carriageway curtain, in the same period of time and at the same location, obtained the results hold up, who are demanding limits for this type of carriageway.
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