Developing of the disposition of site classes black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) even- aged stands on carbonate substrate in Bosnia


  • Aida Ibrahimspahić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



site class, even-aged stands, taxative bases, regression, subdividing, average height of even-aged stands


UDK 630*54:582.475(497.6)

For even-aged or almost even-aged pure stands it is usually as the indicator of site class to use average height dominant and co-dominant trees. Existed even-aged black pine stands in Bosnia on carbonate substrate were not tending, so as the indicator for site class was taken average height of normally formed tress (tress without deformation with important influence on the height).

Average heights on sample plots established in black pine stands with different ages and stand characteristics in west, central and east Bosnia (where existed stands are) are modeled using Prodan´s function:

Hˆ  = t 2 / ( 35,70462  + 0,484102  t + 0,039939  t 2 )

( Hˆ  - estimated mean stand height for average stand conditions, t - stand age)

This function has found as the most adequate using biometrical analyses several function. It is, in fact, regression model for mean height function depending of stand age of black pine stands in Bosnia on carbonate substrates for average site conditions, what is in fact mathematical expression for average third site class (average of five site classes). Average height of stands are higher or lower of evaluated values and they are dispersed homogeneously around regression function. Limits of variability (up Hgg and down Hdg) average heights has defined by adding and deducting function G have had fined Prodan´s function ( Hˆ ) for any ages (t).

G = 0,0000041179 t 3- 0,0015115170 t 2+ 0,1996522709 t – 0,6542294056

 During the time function G is growing up, degressively, as much as average heights variability. Diapason of average height variability includes average heights of stands on age classes (of 10 years) with probability 95%. Finally, relative site classes of black pine stands in Bosnia on carbonate substrates has been calculate divide of diapason average heights variability on five equivalent parts.

Establishing of site classes of black pine stands in Bosnia on carbonate substrates are, as usual, comparing average height growths curves to disposition of average heights site classes curves, if we have had needs data. But, if we have average height for only one age it is ease to do it using data in tables.


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01. 12. 2004.

How to Cite

Ibrahimspahić, A. (2004). Developing of the disposition of site classes black pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) even- aged stands on carbonate substrate in Bosnia. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 34(1), 95–112.

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