Phyllonorycter robiniella Clemens, a new leaf miner species in the entomofauna of Bosnia-Herzegovina
locust, leaf miner, Robinia pseudoacacia, Phyllonorycter robiniella, wings, genital armature, development, harmfulness, Bosnia-HerzegovinaAbstract
Leaf miner Phyllonorycter robiniella Clemens of the locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), is a new species of harmful insects in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The intensity of the occurrence is very high and with severe damage. It is very important pest causing premature defoliation of locust and therefore its morphological characteristics and the symptoms are described in details. Ph. robiniella is a caterpillar that causes wrinkled (tent-like) mines on reverse side of locust leaf, typical for all species of Phyllonorycter genus. However, the miner is easy to be recognized as it is the only one causing this type of the leaf damage to the locust. The other leaf miner species of the locust in our country, Parectopa robiniella, forms the mines on upper side of the leaf and they are not wrinkled but ameboid. Thus these two species differ in the place where the mines are situated as well as in their view.
Data related to the life circle of the species are discussed as well, although not confirmed yet by our own experiments since the literature differ in this respect being often opposite.
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