Dynamics of development of erosion processes on skid roads – skid trails of different longitudinal inclination
Skid roads form the secondary network of forest transport infrastructure. These are temporary facilities whose primary role is to attract forest wood assortments with the help of tractors or animals to the truck road. Erosion of forest roads and skid roads/trails is one of the most significant problems in forest management, due to its ability to cause adverse effects on the environment. Sediment transported to streams from forest roads and skid roads/trails lead to negative consequences for water quality and aquatic life. During the construction of skid roads/trails, no track construction is made, as well as drainage facilities, and they also have relatively large longitudinal slopes, which creates preconditions for the occurrence of erosion processes caused by surface runoff. In all cases, erosion processes of different intensities were registered at the investigated localities, where the amount of material removed ranged from 1.278 m3, or 0.0116 m3/m to 5.313 m3, or 0.0483 m3/m. Also, the investigated correlation relationship for the linear model between the volume of the removed material and the length of the skid roads of different slopes ranged from r = 0.29 (weak correlation) to r = 0.79 (very strong correlation).
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Copyright (c) 2021 Muhamed Bajrić, Dževada Sokolović, Adnan Hodžić, Jelena Knežević, Jusuf Musić
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