The influence of the structural pattern of the scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand on the water regime of the limestone soils in south-western Bosnia and Herzegovina


  • Adnan Hodžić Public enterprise „Hercegbosanske šume“ d.o.o., Kupres
  • Ćemal Višnjić Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo
  • Muhamed Bajrić Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo
  • Mirjana Todosijević Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade



The forest plays an important role in regulating the water regime, i.e., preventing the occurrence of torrential floods, which depends on the type of trees that make up the stand, the canopy, age, and the structure of the stand. This paper examines the influence of the structural characteristics of the stand on the water regime, using the example of the plantation of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) on limestone in south-western Bosnia. An experimental plot (50x50m) was defined and surveyed in the subject plantation. Additionally, rain gauges were installed in different conditions of the canopy, with which the amount of precipitation that reaches the surface of the forest ground was determined. Rain gauges were also placed on an open area close to the plantation. Research has shown that with an increase in the number of trees per hectare and a higher canopy of the stand, the retention of rainwater in the tree crowns increases by up to 30%. In a stand of scots pine, 720 trees per hectare were found, while for the optimal interception, that number should be around 1,400. However, an increase in the number of trees within the stand can have a negative impact on the stability of the stand. With a larger number of trees within the stand, the competition is greater, the trees dry out, the slenderness of the trees is higher, and the trees break or fall. A 40-year-old stand of scots pine has formed a forest litter on the surface of the ground, which has an absolute dry mass more than 4 times greater than the mass of dry matter of the grass cover on the open surface. Research has shown that in a closed stand of scots pine, a smaller amount of precipitation reaches the ground, but forest soils have a better ability to infiltrate, retain and evenly distribute water over a longer period of time. Silvicultural operations in the stand can achieve the same interception effect with a smaller number of trees per unit area if better development of tree crowns is encouraged.


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31. 12. 2022.

How to Cite

Hodžić, A., Višnjić, Ćemal, Bajrić, M., & Todosijević, M. (2022). The influence of the structural pattern of the scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand on the water regime of the limestone soils in south-western Bosnia and Herzegovina. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 52(2).

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