timber skidding, Ecotrac 120V, skidding productivity, time and work studyAbstract
UDK: 630*36:631.372]:65.015(497.6)
This paper presents the research results of the skidding productivity for the Ecotrac 120V skidder in mountainous areas of MU „Igmanˮ in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Time and work study were performed. Multiple regression analysis was used for determination of work operations time consumption depending on influencing factors. The following influencing factors were recorded: the condition of the tractor road (surface), the skidding distance, the winching distance, number of pieces in the load, the volume of the load and the slope of the tractor road. The share of productive time in the total work time is 58.47%. The average value of the influencing factors was established: unloaded travel distance 585.26 m, loaded travel distance 490.49 m, winching distance 16.83 m, number of pieces in the load 5.95, the volume of the load 5.17 m3 and the volume of the piece in the load 1.02 m3. The half-tree length method was used. Standard time for skidding and daily skidding productivity were expressed depending on the skidding distance, while average values were used for other influencing factors. The standard time for skidding was 6.57 min/m3 at a skidding distance of 100 m, i.e. 17.60 min/m3 at a skidding distance of 1,500 m. The daily skidding productivity ranges from 73.07 m3/day at a skidding distance of 100 m to 27.28 m3/day at a skidding distance of 1,500 m. Comparison of the daily skidding productivity with the results of other researches showed that the Ecotrac 120V skidder in this particular case realizes approximately the same skidding productivity under similar working conditions.
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