
  • Marijan Grubešić Faculty of Forestry University of Zagreb
  • Saša Kunovac Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Živko Rapaić
  • Mustafa Bašić Cantonal Forestry Office, Central Bosnia Canton
  • Kristijan Tomljanović Faculty of Forestry University of Zagreb



hunting, research, technical means, technology, hunting management


UDK: 639.1.05/.08

The development and application of new techniques and technologies in hunting management, scientific research and professional work in the hunting domain is a continuous process. Numerous technical achievements are often applied and targeted operationally in hunting and the exploration of game and its habitat.

When analysing the past period, and the latest technical and technological achievements in hunting, one can point out several very significant examples of the application of new techniques and technologies in hunting, such as:

  • The development and application of live game capture methods, with particular emphasis on catching chamois in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Chemical immobilization (tranquilizing) in research or transport of live game;
  • The use of sensory cameras (photo traps) for game tracking and surveillance of the hunting grounds (ordinary sensory cameras, IC cameras);
  • Telemetric tracking of game, from large carnivores up to small game species with classic devices and GPS devices;
  • Measuring microclimate elements with precision instruments on selected micro locations in wildlife habitats;
  • Use of sensory sound repellents for game-avoidance (ultra - and infrared devices);
  • Use of lightweight unmanned aerial vehiclesfor wildlife habitat analysis using a classical camera;
  • Use of lightweight Unmanned aerial vehiclesto determine the numerous status and game structure using a thermal imaging camera;

All the above-mentioned techniques and technologies have given, and make, a significant contribution to the scientific research work in the field of hunting and to a large extent in the daily operational application of hunting management, monitoring and protection of game and animal species.


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01. 12. 2018.

How to Cite

Grubešić, M. ., Kunovac, S., Rapaić, Živko ., Bašić, M., & Tomljanović, K. (2018). APPLICATION OF NEW TECHNIQUES AND TECHNOLOGIES IN HUNTING. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 48(2), 65–77.

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