Variation of widths and heights of 1-3 seriate wood rays in beech stem and branches (Fagus silvatica L.)
beech, 1-3 seriate wood rays, stem, normal wood, tension woodAbstract
UDK 630*81:674.031.632.2
This paper presents the results of the research on variation of heights and widths of 1-3 seriate wood rays within the beech stem (Fagus silvatica L.) and in normal and tension branch wood.
The height of 1-3 seriate wood rays in stem varies within the following limits: 0,066 to 0,862 mm (X=0,263 mm); in normal branch wood from 0,082 to 0,640 mm (X= 0,223 mm); and in tension branch wood from 0,082 to 0,530 mm (X=0,234 mm). The height of 1-3 seriate wood rays in normal branch wood increases from the lower to the medium branches and than decreases going up to the tree crown. The height of 1-3 seriate wood rays increases up to 2,0 m distance from the branch base, and decreases toward the branch top.
The height of 1-3 seriate wood rays in tension wood increases from the lower to the medium branches and decreases in the direction of the tree crown. The height of 1-3 seriate wood rays increases to the distance of 1,5m from the stem in terms of distance from the stem and decreases toward the branch top.
1-3 seriate wood rays in normal branch wood are 0,040 mm lower than the wood rays in the stem and 0,011 mm lower than the wood rays in tension branch wood.
The width of 1-3 seriate wood rays in the stem varies in limits from 0,012 to 0,094 mm (X=0,022 mm) and branches in normal and tension wood from 0,012 to 0,050 mm (X=0,019 mm) and from 0,078 to 0,043mm (X=0,020 mm).
The width of 1-3 seriate wood rays in normal branch wood increases from the lower to the medium branches and than decreases toward the tree crown. The width of 1-3 seriate wood rays in terms of distance from the stem increases up to 1,5 m and than decreases towards the branch top.
The width of 1-3 seriate wood rays in tension wood is increasing from the lower to the medium branches and decreases toward the tree crown. The width increases up to the distance of 1,0 m from the stem and decreases toward the branch top.
In normal branch wood, 1-3 seriate wood rays are 0,003 mm narrower than the wood rays in the stem and almost of the same width in normal and tension branch wood.
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