Significant factors in determining forest areas suitable for forest roads construction
forest truck roads, forest openingAbstract
UDK 630*38:625.711.84
The analysis which has been done in this paper has the objective to give guidelines for forest opening by defining areas which has to be opened or not. The selection of areas suitable for forest truck roads construction has been done by creating three thematic maps in GIS environment as follows normal stock, terrain slope and depth of soil. On each thematic map the evaluation by points has been done on the basis of their impact on decreasing and justifying costs of forest truck roads constructions and impact on decreasing negative consequences of forest roads constructions on existing ecological system. Thematic map of normal stock has been created in order to focus forest opening towards areas where production potential of area is good so positive finial results of forest opening can be expected. Thematic map of terrain slope and depth of soil have been created in order to focus forest opening towards terrains where construction of forest truck road will be the cheapest and cause the lowest damages on existing ecological system.
By overlapping these three maps spatially and by points it has been got aggregate thematic map with total points on each spatial unit. After analysis it has been decided that areas with total units from 7 to 15 are suitable for forest roads constructions taking into consideration specified aspects. These areas have been colored by the same co lour on the aggregate thematic map. Areas which have from zero to six points on aggregate thematic map have been colored by other co lour and these areas are not suitable for construction of forest truck roads network.
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