Ecological and biosystematic characteristics of stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium (Shrank, 1803.) from the Nahorevo brook


  • Sadbera Trožić-Borovac Faculty of Sciences University of Sarajevo
  • Lejla Deljanin Faculty of Sciences University of Sarajevo
  • Mirza Dautbašić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



stone crayfish, Condition factor, quality of water, distribution, habitat, variance


UDK 595.371(497.6 Sarajevo)

Over the period from august 2006 and May 2007, we harvested samples of stone crayfish from the Nahorevo stream. We caught a total of 10 units, five males and five females. Te species Austropotamobius torrentium (SHRANK, 1803) inhabits the streams with good quality waters which has been confirmed by this paper. The analysis included general physical/chemical conditions in water (oxygen regime, temperature, conductivity, water hardness, azoth compounds, phosphates). We determined a high level of oxygen, low temperatures, but high values of BPK5 (2,48 mg/l), which is the result of an increased consumption of oxygen for biodegradation of the present alochton organic matter in the water flow. Based on the analysis of the qualitative and quantitative content of zoobenthics we calculated the saprobe index (S=1,53) which points at cleanliness of the water with insignificant quantity of organic matter. The results of the measurement of lengths of the units of stone crayfish point at the greatest lengths of males and females of up to 7 cm, and the smallest length was bellow one centimeter. The measured lengths of the crayfish coincide with the results from previous reports by STREISSL, F., HÖDL,W. 2002, PEKNY, R., HAGER, J. 2004, MAGUIRE, I., KLOBUČAR, G.I.V. 2003. By calculating the variance it was determined that the length in both sexes is the most variable value, and the least variables were determined in the weight of the examined units. The measured values of weight and total length were calculated based on two indexes of condition: Fulton´s Conditions Factor (RICKER, 1975), Crayfish Constant, (ADEGBOYE, 1981). Based on the obtained values the conditions existing in the waters of the Nahorevo stream are more favorable for male, which was confirmed by previous studies in Austria (STREISSL, HÖLD, 2002). Stone crayfish or stream crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium has been the subject of numerous studies for a lengthier period of time in the region of Europe, including familiarization with biology and ecology of this species. The species does not have the status of saprobe indicator yet, and according to results of the studies, we cannot report, with an absolute certainty, about optimal conditions for its existence. The area of Bosnia and Herzegovina has an abundance of waters and other natural resources and an overall biodiversity, thus, in the future we expect much more comprehensive and extensive data which will give a broader overview of the habitat and density of the crayfish population. The contribution of this paper is in the presentation of the crayfish habitat that has been described as such for the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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01. 12. 2007.

How to Cite

Trožić-Borovac, S., Deljanin, L., & Dautbašić, M. (2007). Ecological and biosystematic characteristics of stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium (Shrank, 1803.) from the Nahorevo brook. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 37(1), 39–55.

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