The volume ratio of the multiple row wood stripes in the structure of trunk and the branches of common beech ( Fagus silvatica L.)


  • Safet Gurda Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Muhamed Bajrić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



beech, multiple layer wood stripe, normal tree, tension tree


UDK 674.031.632.2:582.632.2

The paper presents the results of the studies of variation of the volume ratio in the multiple row wood stripes within the bees tree trunk (Fagus silvatica L.), and in the normal and tension tree branches.

The volume ratio of the multiple row wood stripes in the trunk varies between 8,25 and 29,26% (with an average value of 12,75 ± 0,235 % and standard deviation of 2,49 ± 0,166 %).

The variation of the volume ratio in the multiple row stripes in normal tree branches was between 10,45 and 33,11% (with an average value of 20,76 ± 0,1886 % and standard deviation of 4,43 ± 0,1338%).

In the tension tree branches the volume ratio of the multiple row stripes was within the limits of 10,48 up to 32,18% (with an average value of 19,35 ± 0,183 % and standard deviation of 4,30 ± 0,129%).

The volume ratio in the multiple row stripes in normal tree branches was higher for 8,01% from the volume ratio in the trunk, and for 1,41 % from the volume ratio in the tension tree branches.


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01. 12. 2007.

How to Cite

Gurda, S., & Bajrić, M. . (2007). The volume ratio of the multiple row wood stripes in the structure of trunk and the branches of common beech ( Fagus silvatica L.). Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 37(1), 57–66.

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