
  • Branimir Jovanović Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo
  • Safet Gurda Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo
  • Jusuf Musić Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo
  • Muhamed Bajrić Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo
  • Ahmet Lojo Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo
  • Sead Vojniković Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo
  • Azra Čabaravdić Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo


biomass, renewable energy, potential of forest biomass, technologies for harvesting and preparation biomass, characteristics of energy sources, utilization forest biomass, economic aspect of bioenergy, ecological aspect of bioenergy, energy policy and legislation


Bosnia and Herzegovina to the great extent depends on import of energy, especially on import of fosile fuel, which is problematic, not only from the aspect of availability and security of procurement, but also from the standpoint of ecology and fulfillment of numerous liabilities from international conventions and protocolls. A question arises out of using renewable energy sources, especially energy of the biomass.

Total area of forests and forest land is amounted to 53% of the total surface BiH, and main source of forest biomass represent regular cutting , cutting rests, thinning, sanitary cutting and other. Possible annual cutting volume in the forestry of BiH is about 6,8 million m3. During the period 2002-2003 in average about 4,5 million m3 wood sortiments was worked out.

Based on the recapitulation made, total energetic capacities, which come from stacked wood are 15,028 PJ/a, from logging slash 8,024 PJ/a, brushwood 10,534 PJ/a, sawmill residues 7,442 PJ/a and residues from panel industry 0,350 PJ/a. Total available capacities for Bosnia and Herzegovina are 41,378 PJ/a. Total annual energetic capacities of biomasa expressed in energetic equivalent of coal (mtce) are 1.111.201 t/a, that is expressed in energetic equivalent of oil (mtoe) 777.903 t/a.

Costs of the best technological option (stemwood system with wood hauling by skidder, wood preparation on forest landing and transport by truck) with the price of stacked wood at the stump are amounted to 24,90 €/m3. Price of secundary energents: splitwood (firewood) is 26,04 €/m3 (using processor for splitting and cutting), fuel chips 25,68 €/m3 (application of medium size chipper driven by tractor) and pellets 0,11118 €/t (slashing wood by chipper, chopping up and artificial drying, as well as usage of used plant for pelletsmanifacturing - Nemila).

Unit prices of energy for our conditions are: 0,01127 €/kWh for split wood, 0,0352 €/kWh for fuel chips and 0,0222 €/kWh for pellets (the price is low because of big "energetic density"), and as comparision to gas (0,0221 €/kWh) and heating oil (0,0791 €/kWh). Transition to new fuels based on biomass, such as wood chip and pellets, requires big initial investments into furnace and depository (in developed countries subventions for procurement of modern ovens are approved). Probably the best solutions for using energents based on biomass are cogeneration plants, as well as furnaces for district and central heating.

From the economic and ecological point of view, the praxis that all material thiner then 5 cm (small brushwood and leaves/needles) remain in forest proved itself to be justified, and similar situation is with using root system and stumpwood(especially from the aspect of possible erosion).

From the ecological point of view, it can be said that if forest eco-systems are managed applying selecting management system and removal only large wood, danger of losing ground fertility caused by taking out biomass is considered to be negligible. It can also be said that sensibility of forest communities on anthropogenic impacts varies and strongly depends on morphological features of species, ecological features of residence, on sindinamical stage, as well as on previous anthropogenic impacts. There are several forest communities, which are exceptionally sensible on anthropogenic impacts, and as such cannot be taken in consideration for using of biomass for energetic needs.

Legal and institutional frame of possible usage of forest biomase as an energy source represent the Constitution of B&H, Dayton Agreement, White Papir of the EU, European Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), EU Directives 92/96 as well as many laws regulating issues of energy and enviroment.

It can be said that B&H is on the very beginning of solving all issues related to the usage of biomass (especially of forest biomass), which is one of preconditions of its joining to the EU from the view of energetic policy.


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01. 10. 2005.

How to Cite

Jovanović, B. ., Gurda, S., Musić, J., Bajrić, M., Lojo, A., Vojniković, S., & Čabaravdić, A. (2005). FOREST BIOMASS – POTENTIAL SOURCE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 19(1), 1–136. Retrieved from

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