accessibility, technical elements of forest truck roads, maintenance of forest truck roadsAbstract
UDK: 630*38:625.711.84(497.6 Trnovo)
The forest truck roads, as one of the essential conditions for implementation of the planned biotechnical measures in the management unit, have to have an adequate quantity and quality. The aim of this research is determination of quantity and quality of the forest truck roads in the Management Unit (MU) „Gornja Rakitnica“, Forest Management Region (FMR) „Trnovsko“. The accessibility through wider categories of forest and total accessibility for MU have been calculated by the analysis of quantities indicators of the primary network of roads. The accessibility of the most important category of forests, from economy aspect, has been calculated – the forests with natural renewal. This accessibility amounts 12,7 m/ha. By the comparison of the values with the recommended minimum and optimum accessibility, it has been calculated that it is necessary to construct new forest truck roads. The data about quality have been obtained on the basis of terrain measurements in two forest truck roads „Rakitnica-Zućina vrela“ and „Pijevac – Borovac“. By the analysis of qualitative indicators in the analyzed roads it has been concluded that the network of forest truck roads in the MU „Gornja Rakitnica“ is passable i.e. it enables implementation of planned activities from all forest fields. The technical elements of the measured roads enable the values defined by technical regulations. The constructive elements: carriageway condition, slope cuttings, ditches and objects on the road are not in an adequate condition. If the adequate recovery works are not undertaken it could cause progressive deterioration of roads, which could influence functionality of roads transport of timber, access to compartments, etc… For the improvement of the condition of forest truck roads, the measures of recovery have been designed and the calculation of total and average costs has been carried out.
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