
  • Azra Tahirović Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Amira Čopra – Janićijević Faculty of Sciences University of Sarajevo
  • Neđad Bašić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo
  • Lejla Klepo Faculty of Sciences University of Sarajevo
  • Mirel Subašić Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo



ascorbic acid, Crataegus, hawthorns, flowers, spectrophotometry, Vitamin C


UDK 582.711.714:577.164.2


Vitamin C or ascorbic acid content has been determinated by spectrophotometric method and titrimetric method in flowers of some Bosnian hawthorns (Crataegus L). species. Spectrophotometric method used in this study was based on the kinetic reaction between Vitamin C and methylene blue. Measurements were carried out at absorption maximum, λmax= 665 nm. We found that the lowest content of vitamin C was 617.07 mg/100 g of dry sample in flowers of the C. microphylla, and the highest level of Vitamin C was found in the C. monogyna (1104 mg/100 g of dry sample) flowers. Recoveries of the results obtained by the spectrophotometric method were 94 % - 100% with relative standard deviation (RSD) values from 4.5% – 6.7 %.

Obtained results shown that flowers of investigated Crataegus L. species are good source of vitamin C.


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01. 12. 2012.

How to Cite

Tahirović, A., Čopra – Janićijević, A. ., Bašić, N., Klepo, L. ., & Subašić, M. (2012). DETERMINATION OF VITAMIN C IN FLOWERS OF SOME BOSNIAN CRATAEGUS L. SPECIES. Works of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, 42(2), 1–12.

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