Conversion of skid trails with longitudinal slope up to 12% into truck access roads
main skid trails to 12% slope, access forest truck roads, translation, earthworks, environmental factorsAbstract
UDK 630*38
This paper makes an analysis of conversion of skidding whose longitudinal slope shall not exceed 12% of the truck access road. To conduct a detailed analysis that would confirm the initial assumption that this approach of building the roads would be more economical, selection of skid trails was made, for which the conversion of the truck access route (route "Didorada - Hrančići" in length of 2.718 m) was fully completed.
The results of skid trails conversion show that in this particular case the required scope of work is significantly lower, which consequently produces the decreased construction costs by about 30%. When converting skid trails, it was observed that during the project phase the possibility of conversion of the same into a tractor track was not considered, which is particularly reflected in the increased volume of earth works by adjusting the horizontal radius of truck traffic, as well as the frequent grade line level differences of skid trail that also significantly affected the scope of earthworks.
Moreover, this approach to the access roads construction has special significance when it comes to damage caused during the construction of truck roads, where the work is fully done on natural field.
The results of conversion show that the costs of preparation works and works on the development of substructure are significantly lower (these works in relation to new construction amount to 41.25% for preparation works and 62.5% for work on the lower road layer).
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* Izvedbeni projekti za odjele: 18, 19, 20, 43, 44, 45, 47., G.J. «Donja Misoča» - Vareš
* Glavni projekat konverzije traktorske vlake u šumski kamionski put «Didorada – Hrančići» dužine 2.718 m,